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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  February 19, 2013 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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the prosecution claims he intentionally shot and killed her. >> he spent five nights behind bars now. prooscar pistorius back in court today. his family behind him to support the man who may have killed his girlfriend in a terrible accident. the prosecution argued that pistorius planned to murder. the magistrate ruled he would be treating this case is one of premeditated murder with a possible life sentence. pistorius and his father took the news hard. the court is on a short break. the family has been sitting and pistorius has been very emotional, breaking down when he heard from the judge that this would be treated as premeditated
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murder. and from this team came the first detailed description of what oscar pistorius clam happened between him and -- claim happened between him and his girl friend. he heard a noise from the bathroom. he was not wearing his prosthetic legs. he shouted and move to the bathroom and fired four shots through. it was when he returned and on the bed was empty he realized he may have made a mistake. he found his girlfriend, riva steenkamp dying. he took her downstairs where she died in his arms.
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friends and family gathered for a private memorial service. she was 30 years old. a well-known celebrity, model, and law student who had been dating oscar pistorius is november. there is much talk of his violent temper. friends of the victim and the athlete made statements in court saying the couple had been in love and were starting to entertain thoughts of marriage. >> we are mi atssimissing riva. [indiscernible] >> his bail hearing will be tomorrow with the prosecution seeking to challenge his version of events. bale are no bail, a trial could be many months away. >> now to one of the biggest diamond heist in history. it may sound like a hollywood
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script but today, gems worth more than $50 million were stolen from a plane as a prepared to leave brussels. they forced their way through pratt -- a perimeter fence and held a van. the passengers were oblivious. the tarmac is supposed to be one of the most secure investments. the gang pulled off one of the biggest diamond heist in history. this was a very quick hit and run very well organized. there had to be no shooting and there were no injuries. >> the diamonds would -- came from me warehouse at the edge of the airfield. two bagels, one disguised as a police van, crashed through the perimeter of the faence. the men knew which packages it
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wanted and were escaping the way they had come in with 30 million pounds worth of rough diamonds. police later found a bird out van close to the airport where the trail goes cold. not far from brussels is and where -- antwerp. they process time and tear. they go to extraordinary lengths to keep them safe. >> we have high amount of security. things like that can happen -- it is simply unacceptable. >> of firs -- this is a embarrao the industry's highly polished image. 10 years ago almost to the day and italian gang walked into the diamond center behind me and opened 123 of 160 maximum security bolts and walked away with $100 million in diamonds.
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the ringleader of that group worked in the building for almost two years. the lesson being you cannot pull something like this without detailed insider knowledge. someone surely knew of the impending transfer. the experts think the game would have this in mind and the stones will be recut. in all probability they have already crossed the border. >> an historic christ. turning now to tunisia where the country's prime minister announced he is resigning. his decision comes following the rejection of his attempt to form and a political government. he was trying to help the country out of the political crisis sparked earlier this month. an opposition politician was assassinated. what does this mean for the country? that is a topic i discussed with david rhode. why did the prime minister feel
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he had no choice but to resign? >> he had promised he would create a cabinet of technocrats that woodbridge to the political divide is widening in tunisia. he failed to do that. the islamist party refuse to compromise so apparently did the liberal party is and he kept his word and step down. >> he wanted a non-partisan government. was he so out of step with his country? >> he was out of step at all with the populace of two nations. there has been no agreement on a constitution. there were supposed to be elections in constitution but that is not happening. people are eager and they thought this was a historic opportunity with the assassination of a leftist political leader for government of technocrats that could move forward. these parties cannot agree on the elections.
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>> what is likely to happen next? >> i think unfortunately further polarization. there is fears that a teenager will be similar to egypt in terms of increasing street violence. two nations are proud. they have a liberal and secular outlook and will not be like egypt. one analyst pointed out that this is -- there are two different views. that is what is planning out in a tunisian and egypt. this is not chaos. this is a classic in high-stakes political struggle. >> which one will triumph in the end? >> the key theoretically would be elections. you'd have a clear victor. there were elections in tunisia. the islamist did very well. they never had power before but
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many people have been disappointed with the government and the way the world. another round of elections, secularists hope they might win. but again, when there is this kind of discontent, this kind of paralysis in the government an election scheduled is a dangerous situation and i feel both sides have missed a historic government. -- opportunity. it is a dangerous game of brinksmanship now. >> it seemed like a beacon of, for the middle east when the revolution began. what does this mean for everyone else if there cannot be stability in to nichelle? >> it is a warning that europe and the united states need to engage more in the region. if two nations is this polarized, you can see that in other countries. this is a historic struggle for the future of the middle east, the future of predominantly muslim countries between
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secularists and hardline islamists. hopefully this can be solved through elections and compromise but there has to be engagement. more from the west. there has been a hands-on feel especially in washington. that approach is not succeeding and there should be more efforts diplomatically to get more compromise from the two sides and more of a focus on elections, not on repeated street protests. >> david, thank you. >> thank you. >> i and syria, 19 people, including six children, are reported to have been killed in a missile strike. the opposition said it is a sign of the government's desperation. one of president assaad palaces in northwest damascus has been hit by mortars. the pakistani school gold shot by that taliban for her campaign to get girls in education is making good progress with a recovery in the uk.
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many school children are defying the taliban every day by attending classes in areas where schools are being bombed. one of the worst affected regions. over 750 schools have been damaged their in recent years. >> we traveled into dangerous territory on the oscars of the city of peshawar. by day looks peaceful. by night, few dare to move apart from the taliban. and here is what they do. under cover of darkness. this girl's primary school was blown up last month. one of five schools bombed recently in the small community. the militants trying to teach lessons in fear. we found the people's nearby, crammed into a neighboring school.
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but carrying on with their lessons. the teacher says hanson, who came from the bombed schools? lots of little hands are raised. this is the front line in the taliban swore on education. the school is so crowded now, they are outside sitting in the mud. the older girls have heard about her. she is a role model for many. because she speaks out, we're concealing her identity. >> we will get our education. we're not scared of these people. we will study with great determination. >> how the field of the people bomb your school? >> it should be building schools and bringing peace to pakistan. instead they destroy them. schools should be billed for
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girls everywhere. -- built for girls everywhere. th-- at the nearby boys primary they study in the shadow of their former school which was reduced to rubble in december. the damage done here was a man's. there were three bombs planted in the brought the building to the ground. what i am standing on is the roof of the school. what mattered 60 boys used to come to classes here but 40 have not -- 160 voyage used to come to classes here. 40 have not returned. their parents are too afraid to send them. in a country where spending on education is near rock bottom, the schools have seen some investment. one student who wants to be a policeman tells us have used to be. >> we have new chairs, carpets, and tables, he says. everything is gone. i feel very sad.
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and we worry the attackers will come back. >> we held a license. >> the headmaster has been so worried he has bought a gun. are you ready to use this to defend the people? >> yes. to defend my children. and my teachers. [indiscernible] we try to teach our children. >> back to the girls' school, classes are over for the day. the people's head for home. among them, many other school girls who are a steady in courage. >> you're watching "bbc world news america." could this building be the center of the chinese military cyber-attacks against the u.s.?
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we will show you what we found. today it was her comments about the duchess of cambridge that caused a firestorm. >> she is roughly four months pregnant. there is evidence of a rather more rounded stomach than before. the pregnancy sickness of early december has passed gadd kathrin is still taking things carefully. last week she and william were on holiday. she was fulfilling her first public engagement for some weeks, visiting a center in south london that helps women recover from drug and alcohol dependency. she has become the focus of unflattering comments by hilary mantell. she described how the media has
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portrayed kate middleton transition to a fashionable world catches. >> i saw kate becoming a jointed doll on which certain thinigs ngs are hung. she has no personality of her own. entirely defined by what she wore. >> she said the person who emerged from the transition seems machine made. catherine was defended by the chief executive of the charity which she visited today and of which she is a patron. >> all i can speak of is what i now. my experience of the duchess which is somebody who is natural, genuine, eager to learn, asks a wonderful questions. >> she is a role -- as in a role that attracts constant attention and at times robusta views which will not always be complementary.
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bbc news. >> one of the hottest topics around the world. this has -- that have traced a number of attacks back to a building in shanghai as part of china's military unit. beijing said the report is groundless and denies any involvement. >> it might not look much like the nerve center of one of the most powerful cyber warfare operations on the planet. but according to reports this military base, the people's liberation army unit is exactly that. the american computer security company has invested -- investigated breaches at hundreds of organizations and says it has traced the likely source of the tax to one district of shanghai. the district where unit 61398 is
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located. the report concludes the groups conducting the attacks are based primarily in china and the chinese government is aware of them. of that nondescript military tower block it says it is one of the most prolific cyber- espionage groups in terms of the sheer quantity of information stolen. in response, china's foreign ministry repeated the denial made many times before. that china engages in large- scale cyber-espionage. >> internet hacking attacks are an international problem that should be resolved on the basis of mutual trust and international cooperation. continuous criticism based on limited data is irresponsible and not helpful in resolving the issue. >> if the claims are true, there will be many victims who will be interested to learn that china's alleged hacking operation now has an address. the unit has stolen many
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terabytes of data from at least 141 organizations across a range of industries. >> joining me now to discuss the recent cases of packing is douglas paul. vice-president of studies at the carnegie international. this white building is allegedly bristling with cyber-war years looking at the u.s.. is this back by the government? >> it has to be. it cannot penetrate the great fire wall of china which closely monitors internet communications in these volumes without being known to the government. it must be part of the government. >> of what use is given it will annoy the americans? >> i do not think they care so much about who the candlelight, it is about what they can obtain. you can obtain a lot of data that helps chinese industry get
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a leg up on their opponents. the second way is to give you a weapons system. in the form of using sophisticated internet controls to penetrate the infrastructure. say the national pipeline or the national power grid. it gives them a potential that can deploy if they feel it is important to their national interests. >> how strongly are u.s. officials protesting this behind the scene? >> the u.s. has been raising this on a regular basis. the issue is a complicated one. every country is going to use these tools to spy and each other. >> including the u.s.? >> of course. the u.s. is very capable of this. we do not steal trade we have not for a couple hundred years. we have done it early on against the reds in the 18th century by the united states does not do that. we have laws against that and they are enforced. china does not have that. how do you bring china into an
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international regime? legislation has been sponsored by the house committee on intelligence leadership which talks about informing people so they're better protected in their own corporate headquarters, universities, think tanks, and the like. >> apples thinks it is being halved but they do not know who it is by. it seems there's an epidemic of it. >> there are persistent and well protected people who can use various routes around the world to get back at valuable targets. if the targets do not protect themselves adequately with enough passwords and robust additional protection. they will be [indiscernible] >> the u.s. has its own command. what are the of to? >> hopefully they are up to penetrating these capabilities and advising our system. the defense department has 17,000 separate computer systems. they need to be protected from hackers who can come in and ship to code different way. those are all important factors.
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>> thank you for joining us. it is not something you may have noticed but the universe is moving faster than expected. phenomenon that scientists are struggling to explain. a team hopes the hubble telescope will unlock the answers. by investigating what is being called dark energy. our science correspondent reports. >> the world around us is made of atoms. they link up to form the buildings we see. the water that flows and all night from the planet. there is something else out there that links the most of the universe. a force that was present at the beginning of time. after the big bang, the expansion of the universe would slow down and contract under the force of gravity. instead, what seems to be happening is galaxies seem to fly apart faster than ever before.
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scientists believe this is called dark energy. it accounts for two-thirds of the universe. this acceleration defies all the current theories of physics. scientists want to know where the and this energy that is driving the universe apart is coming from. they're using the hubble space telescope to find out. it will be measuring how far and fast galaxies are accelerating away from us. one of the researchers tells me the results may show that the universe would continue to accelerate apart forever. >> the bigger it gets the faster it will go. that will be a universe that expands and expands forever. our piece of the universe we get to see will have fewer galaxies in it. it will be a dark, lonely, cool place 100 billion years from now. >> the mystery of dark energy is the most important puzzle of our time, arguably.
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this solution will rewrite the theories of modern physics and change our notion of the universe and our place in it. abc news, boston. >> is accelerating universe. that brings today's broadcast to a close. you can continue watching for constant updates around the world on our 24 hour news network. check your local listings for channel number. to reach me and most of the bbc team, go to twitter. thanks for watching. see you back here tomorrow. >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu.
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fidelity investments, turn here. fidelity investments, turn here. >> "bbc world news america" was
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hi, neighbor! we're going to prince wednesday's castle for a... royal sleepover! sleeping outside is fun too. i'm going to sleep in a tent with my dad and o the owl. this is gonna be grrr-riffic! is made possible in part by... the richard king mellon foundation. dedicated for over sixty years to south western pennsylvania's quality of life, and competitive future. and by these pittsburg foundations. working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventy-five years.
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and by the arthur vining davis foundations. dedicated to strengthening america's future through education. adcasting, dedicated to strengthening america's future and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you. ♪ and contributions to your pbs station, ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ would you be mine? could you be mine? ♪ ♪ won't you be my neighbor? - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ a land of make-believe ♪ won't you ride along with me? - ride along ♪ - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ so much to do, so much to see ♪ ♪ won't you ride along with me? - ride along ♪ - ♪ i've got lots of friends for you to meet ♪ ♪ in this land of make believe ♪ a friendly face on every street waiting to greet you ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪
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♪ a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ in daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ - hi, neighbor! it's me, daniel tiger! look, i'm wearing my pajamas! wanna know why? because i'm sleeping over at prince wednesday's castle tonight. and my mom and dad are too! - that's right! - bye, trolley! - thanks, trolley! it's gonna be so much fun! - ha! ha! ha! a royal hello to you! boop-she-boop-she-boo! and to you too, neighbor! - welcome to our castle. daniel, we're so happy, you and your family could come for a royal sleepover. - me too! - thanks for inviting us. - ok, sleepover time! let's go to my room. - ok! come on! - here i come! (daniel laughs.) you've got great toys, prince wednesday! - thanks! a royal hello! (daniel laughs.)
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- ♪ ba ba badada da - here you go, tigey! hug! i've never been at your house at bedtime before. this is my first sleepover. - you know what, daniel? mine too! i'm excited! let's play dinosaurs! rooaaarrr! i'm a big t-rex! munch, munch, munch! rooaaarrr! - let's pretend tigey is my baby dinosaur! raar! raar! - hi, baby dino. - raar! baby dino needs a friend. - roaaar! here's a friend for baby dino... mr. lizard! roaar, roar! will you be my friend? - raarrr! yes! (laughter) - over here! roaaar! - ah! - what!? - prince wednesday, i think there's something scary hiding under your covers! see? - what do you think it is?


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